I'm not a complete libertarian. There is a proper role in some areas of the government to have rules and regulations - I'm not an anarchist.
If I read the articles about me, and I didn't know me, I would think I was Satan.
In Hollywood, they put the knife in your front; in D.C., they put it in your back. I found far fewer duplicitous people in Hollywood.
I'm not exactly the endorsement people are seeking.
I try to avoid saying anything positive about any presidential candidate for fear that if I actually like them then I will kill their campaign.
I support myself by public speaking and trying to work on as many appropriate and legitimate ventures as I can.
I think the American people deserve somebody telling them what is really happening in Washington.
Well, I try to not view things through a prism of anti-Semitism, because often, people will use that as a sort of knee-jerk reaction to any criticism of Jews.