For Me It’s Time (sung to the tune of “For What It’s Worth”) There’s somethin' happening here What it is is perfectly clear There’s a man havin' fun over there He’s retired and hasn’t...



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It's Time to Change Pollution And We Have a Plan - What do you think about the oil spill from the BP platform? - Well, of course, that lowers Obama's rating, 'cause he had the...
There is a fierce battle ranging in the Heavenlies, a battle between the forces of darkness and the servants of God. The war is about saving souls that are pouring into hell. Sadly most believers do...
We have witnessed a truly historic moment with the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States In this, the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights...
Hello there! I am Crazyrabby and This is my real body, I don't know why I'm showing my face I'm just sitting on the bench and recording this movie I want to say something for...
Poverty, Pollution, Diseases, Greed, Extinction, Consumerism, War, Hunger... It's Time to Change And We Have a Plan - In a Resource Based Economy, resources are used directly to enhance the...
[Nasheed] >> Hamza Andreas Tzortzis Listen very carefully brothers and sisters,twenty-five thousand children die everyday due to diseases that can be easily prevented. One point two...
I think we've got to start talking to each other more, we've got to start being willing to compromise, and that's what's going to be interesting now we have closer...



Derek has been gracious enough to call in and has been holding for a moment. Welcome to our program Derek. Hi, how are you. Good, hope you are. I’m a thirty year old male. I’ve got confirmed...