Is it stupid

Sup, guys, and welcome back to Half-Life 2. When we left off, we needed to head for the roof, and these guys, and um, during the thing, those guys told us to go to the roof and do shit, um, but so,...
Hello, everybody. In the State of the Union, I laid out three areas we need to focus on if we’re going to build an economy that lasts: new American manufacturing, new skills and education for...
uh as i was saying im back from the bathroom um and i was saying oh no u didnt and i was like oh yes i did it kinda looked just like a big oh yea and no u didnt itssomething like that trusses lets...
wassup people? we are COG here playing flappy bird!! oh dat cute bird! that's obviously our first video and guess what, wer'e playing actually from the computer as you van see, the...
john cornett does a classic republican maneuver are during eric holder's confirmation hearings recall morris slated to be there for a general is going to see race issue begin be confirmed by...
my recommendation of this video world war three is america stupid yesterday i was sent a link by a viewer named cabey gets online i presume cabey gifts souls gifts online you can tell by that name i...
i promised you a uh... a quick grant um... on this whole issue of younger versus older cultures i want to do that uh... in in my book last hours of ancient sunlight a ike put forward this hypothesis...
They say a woman can see you with her heart She can discover it all With her instincts so wonderful and sharp So why am I feeling so small? I told myself a thousand times before I will forget about...