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Salve a tutti! In questo tutorial, realizzato con xCode 4.6 per iOS 6.1 in collaborazione con Giorgio Minissale, vedremo come creare una UITableView con cell di tipo StyleSubtitle e come gestire il...



Soundview Executive Book Summaries, the global leader in concentrated business knowledge, is now available on apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Android devices. Soundview subscribers can simply...



<font color="#808080">NEWS ANCHOR 1:</font> <i>Fears of a second recession have caused panic</i> <i>in...
In this tutorial we will go over the process of signing an iOS application We start by logging in to the iOS provisioning portal In the certificates section you can download your development and...
after they've created a few simple projects most developers become serious about what's actually happening in the life cycle of anaya last application one of those other files...
(Image source: iMore) BY EVAN THOMAS ANCHOR LOGAN TITTLE Twitter announced the latest versions of its iPhone and Android applications Tuesday. The updates bring some fresh features to on-the-go...
Hi, Ben here. Would you like to control your Opto 22 SNAP PAC system right from your smart phone or tablet? now you can Use the Opto iPAC app with an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Use the Opto aPAC app...
the HMH mobile vocabulary applications allow for language learning on the go in a fun and engaging way to download the free app simply search for HMH french vocabulary or HMH spanish vocabulary in the...
Hi this is Gary with MacMost Now. On today's episode let's look at taming your apps in iOS 7. iOS 7 includes several functions to figure out what your apps are doing. How much storage...