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Vladimir Yevseyev, the director of the Center of Socio-Political Studies It seems Geneva-2 will be an intermediate stage because, first of all, we can see a balance of forces on the battle field. You...



on the second day of mass anti-government demonstrations in central bangkok tuesday protest leaders threatened to kidnap prime minister yingluck shinawatra and other government officials if they...
the world's largest brewer says it will pay 5-point-8 billion u.s. dollars to re-buy korea's leading beer company ob. market watchers expect the buyout to further intensify competition...
bjbjLULU A short time ago, I talked to Heidi Vogt of the Associated Press in Kabul. Heidi, thanks for joining us. Now, an investigation is promised, but what, if anything, is known at this point about...
(Image source: CBS) BY JOHN O'CONNOR President Obama is renewing his stand against nuclear weapons, urging Russia to join the U.S in slashing its supply of nuclear warheads. Following in the...
there are going to be times with every media project that you need to take an asset such as a audio file or a video file and change it from one format to another such as from a quick time movie to an...



Now, our Muslim most of our Muslim working men, Businessmen have secretaries working for them A woman secretary It will never be jaiz A women becoming an undersecretary It will never be jaiz Why? When...