Hi everybody. Dave Barnett here from Dave Barnett Music. First thing I notice here is I need to invest in some lights. Over like in here. Thank you for being here to share the launch of this new vlog....
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I moved to Talkeetna on the suggestion of a friend, who already had property here. And she said I would love it. She said, "Oh Talkeetna is so bohemian." "There's...
Hey there beautiful people this is Xaenex and this is Project Gorgon. Project Gorgon is pretty brutal in its design it does not can hold you through the adventure me that you're not going to...
I have burned myself and cut myself many times It's one of those things that just kind of goes along with forging. You take that piece of slag that gets in between the web of your thumb and...
I'm not sitting President pro tem hostages we're independent bombs to the workings of the quote him and his for generate not cynical cut musically fire well the music we have reported...
While you're editing, you're adding music to your production. And music, you could find local rock bands or whatever. You could find instrumental stuff, kind of generic stuff you could...
Top 5 reasons to buy The Organic Indie Preorder Pack Reason One. You're getting two games for the price of one. If brutal physics based ninja rabbit combat and tactical space marines versus...
My name is Marge Ford. I play music, and I teach music, and I perform music. And I write music. The musical roots come from both sides of the family. Grandpa played according, button box accordion,...
Open your eyes! Look at the pictures! Open your mind! Detach the fixtures! Open your heart! Open your heart! Open your heart! This road won't last forever but then, wherever it leads us we...