I don’t think it is a destruction, what we are having is two schools of thought. Grassroots that unfortunately has to reinvent that whole philosophy again because it worked. Then you have the people...
>> Sue Woolmore: My name's Sue Woolmore and I’m a social worker by background, working in child protection in both the statutory and voluntary sector. Before i was a social...
Welcome back to Employer Defense Attorney dot com. I'm Benjamin Hill. You've probably already watched one or two videos by myself or my partner, Alexander Chen, providing tips for...
Esther Harlander: The Chernobyl nuclear accident was the worst in the history of nuclear accidents ever and nobody has ever attempted to restore or actually to make safe a nuclear reactor that has...
[ music ] >> In a culture of affluence it is hard to imagine having no place to go. But for so many, The public transit system is a place to call home. >> People freeze to...
Sandra, go to bathroom. - How much time does it remain to midnight? - 3 hours. - Jesus, how long is it possible to wait? - But that's what it's all about. Being bored all day, then...
Every two years we engage with the state of Indiana in a discussion about the biennial budget process and we talked to the state about the value of a Purdue degree and the value of Purdue to the...
Or how I became a vexes litigate and learned to love the law? I think one of the key aspects in 1990 were given that first generation of independent living people a really great gift which is the...
The National Independent Living Awards are awards that are awarded from Breakthrough UK to organisations, individuals or communities that have gone that extra mile that remove the barriers that...
>> This afternoon's first session is--the title of it is visual analysis, in my--conventionally in the past have been called document analysis, but I think this is a nice...