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Hey guys my name is laura and my name is bobbi and welcome to another week of cimu interviews were every week we interview different indie bands and then we post their live sessions. Today at vaughan...
♪ [Theme Music] ♪ MICHAEL STOLER: So they start in flea markets for beer cans, cookies. Then St. Louis, law school, knitting factory, okay, sedars, what kind of an idea? And then the idea of wine and...
English Sync Seiko Sometimes, I get annoyed without even knowing But my feelings for you haven’t changed Maybe I’m the weird one, I thought As I struggled by myself While tossing and turning alone in...
We're here with Fred Somsen from Drag City, and we will speak in English from now on because we also have another Drag City collaborator here with us, Mike. Let's find out what is...
Blackouts are like snowflakes... no two are alike. Sometimes there's blood. Other times there isn't. I just think, murder's so predictable. That's all I'm...
At The Ending of Winter A Film by Ren Ming Young Finding people nearby... Message from Xiao Wei: Shall we meet and have something to drink? Reply: OK. How did you find me? Looking around and suddenly...
Hi everybody. Dave Barnett here from Dave Barnett Music. First thing I notice here is I need to invest in some lights. Over like in here. Thank you for being here to share the launch of this new vlog....
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I'm not sitting President pro tem hostages we're independent bombs to the workings of the quote him and his for generate not cynical cut musically fire well the music we have reported...