When you feel like losing faith And you swim in shattered dreams, When everything seems to break up, I will stand by your side. When there's no place you can go To leave this world behind, And you...
The night is coming down The sun closes your eyes The king takes of his crown A hand reaches the sky A child reaches for the sun I can see it in his eyes The day is here to be gone / i am here...
"our daughter is an intelligent child", Said the mother to the preacher Without the church she would grow up wild There's no better teacher She spents her time in praying In world full of...
By a calm lake in the forest Justice stands and sighs Takes the blind fold off her face Sees the world and cries Placing the scales of balance Gently at her feet Released from all the burden And from...
Fading stars, Burning storm, Hopeless dreams, Children unborn, Ruthless wars: That's the cruel reality. Female screams, Chaos and brutality. I'm living in a world Where I don't want to be; I pay for...
I sat here holding my newborn Like I wept at Father's grave Tears of joy and tears of pain They say life is just a game This is how the story goes The chain of incarnation We are passing on the grail...
It's an honour for a soldier To receive the final kiss Of blade and steel that cannot heel For glory, fame and bliss All my homelands are deserted All my comrades dead An I am bleeding at the shore...
Wieder stehe ich am Abgrund, kann dem Sog nicht widerstehen. Tausend Wunden werden heilen, werden mit mir untergehen. Eilt herbei ihr Engel, die ihr über mich wacht. Hüllt mich ein in...
Last night I stole a secret From the sleeping gods A recipe for tyranny The human world forgot I learned about a potion That places in your hands The strings of fate and motion Of life to sudden end...
In meiner Lust das Gift zu Lieben, bist du mien Gegengift. In meiner Gier noch mehr zu Kriegen, hast du das auch vermisst? Ich Rieche es an dir, Lese es auf deiner Haut, nach all der sünde: kommt...