Imperial japanese navy

a korean media outlet has released a confidential report proving that university medical schools and the japanese navy conducted brutal experiments on living people during wartime. the top secret...
"Recording the Imperial Navy victory" Japan Film Productions [production] Navy Imperial Headquarters news department [supervision] Fleet Air Arm [shooting], special navy cameramen,...
Hey, lso. At the time of the Boshin Civil War, your grandfather was already 77 years old. But he bravely charged the enemy. He died a glorious death. Our city, Nagaoka, burned for three days and...
PEARL HARBOR PEARL HARBOR PEARL HARBOR Japanese aircraft take off at 0600 hrs. taking the northern route to Pearl Harbor on Oahu 0748, the Japanese struck mercilessly & the American fleet was...
Troops, rest position! Gentlemen Listen carefully to what I'm going to say. Just now, I received news from Tokyo! Today, Our emperor surrendered to the allied. This means the end of our great...
For the first time in nearly sixty years Yoshio Shinozuka is going to China returning to the Few people outside China have ever heard of Harbin -- and yet it should have the same Few people outside...
(Image source: Flickr / Miz J.) 
BY JASMINE BAILEY Researchers from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York claim taller woman have a greater chance of developing cancer. The study finds for...
Hero Packs Dona Leonhard, the Ohio State University Good Evening. How are you guys? Group Good. Dona Leonhard Well, I’m really glad that you guys came to this 4-H activity. We’re going to make Hero...
Hello, my name is Taz Chuck. I am an aerospace engineering student, and at the same time, I am a scaled model hobbyist. Today I'm going to talk about one of my favorite model that I have built...