Welcome, how are you all doing? My name is Lars Erik Robinson. My company is LarsEr Arts All Around Art-tainment. It's my slogan. I have fifteen years in the business as I graduated Ringling...
Hey, welcome everybody. I'm Lars Erik Robinson. I'm a freelance illustrator. My company is Lars Arts All Around Artainment. Today I thought we'd talk about how to do your own...
There's a lot to work on even in one scene of a story, and so far I've got Hansel and Gretel in their woods and their father is like walking away from them in the woods, he might even...
Ilustrando o sucesso da reforma do sistema de saúde Bem vindos! Eu sou o Jonathan Grubber Um economista do MIT que serviu como um conselheiro tanto para as contas da reforma do sistema de saúde de...



Let's begin with a question, is it necessary to teach fractions before teaching decimals. For many years fractions have been taught first in schools and then used to teach decimals, and this...
So now let's get to the hands-on assignment. So I mentioned that Hadoop is this... toolkit for doing lots of great things. So you don't actually have to worry about all the intricacies...
So Hadoop actually imitates a lot of the... Linux file systems commands, so... like 'make directory', and 'list', and all of that is pretty much the same. [pause] So,...
I'm going to give you one minute to get that done. Hi I'm Rokosz your digital lifestyle expert and I'm going to show you how to use the Stop watch or timing feature on your...
I might go up to the room to make a coffee. Do you want one? Yeah I think I’m gonna need one to get through the next thousand words. Hey guys what's going on? What the hell are you wearing?...