Welcome to Buyspares. This video will show you how to change the direction that your fridge door opens. Before replacing a part in any electrical appliance you must ensure that the appliance is first...



So your daylight fixture has broken. The symptoms may be various, in my case the ends of the tube burn orange. First thing you have to check is the tube bulb itself. If after replacing th bulb still...
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This is the PBteen Lilac Desk and Vanity Mirror Hutch. Detailed with beautifully curved drawers and legs, intricate moldings and functional design, this desk and vanity mirror has all the features of...
Today we will build a lamp Finally, as promised to you! We don't have a fixed plan yet, only the materials. Acacia! And we also have the beloved heart-paper ready! But I have to say, there...



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My Room Rules Julie Hey my name is Julie and welcome to my room Here is a lamp that I made if you look closely there is some fringe at the bottom which I glued on because what I got originally was...
1000Bulbs.com introduces the 30 Watt S21 Marconi Style Vintage Light Bulb Marconi style vintage light bulbs mimics the vacuum tubes used in classic radios. Incorporated into their ordinary light...