we must bend the bars of these cages around our hearts deconstruct the confines of a weary existence smash apart the stones piled high upon our chests and take in our first breaths of freedom there is...
it's so much easier to avert our eyes from all the suffering and injustices that permeate our lives to be in the midst of sickness and pain and always keep our eyes fixed ahead can only be explained...
This is the final countdown. The hands on the clock. Become the hands upon your throat. Take a hard look at your time card. Add up all the hours. The weeks, the months and years. Think of all the time...
when man made the choice that production holds more meaning than life he sentenced our world to a slow and lingering death strip the land of all it holds clear the forests down to the last stone...
wake up from the slumber that you've been forced into climb out from the depths of sleep to the waking world asleep with your eyes wide open we stumble from place to place lulled into compliance from...
Dark Lord chaos, your time has come. The people of the Elvin Hills of Algoroth will regain command of their homeland. And their pride will flourish within these valleys and rivers once more. This is...
You'd think I wouldn't miss you. But your persistent voice cuts through me like glass. Memories of not so pleasant times soon to kill me. Like well-aimed daggers thrown through well-painted hearts....
yeah, you're the king snake gliding through the grass all attempts to catch you have ended in empty grasps you slid into our hearts' and unleashed your venemous tongue it's now more than i can stand...
Those roads and streets they cut. They cut off circulation. Just like chains around my wrists. Yeah. Pushing me in these same directions. Caught in a maze of dull routine. A body in motion, a mind...
there is this energy that flows from withing there is this volition that's constantly repressed the ability to connect to live and love without regret exists inside the self before barriers obscure it...