uh... acts up question them so many aspects of the athletes are cementing um about his minty fresh conduct x burnings some delicious brown's securely watch me eat it xx it's pretty...



DR. MARC HOIT: Hello and welcome to another video. I hope you're enjoying them! It hasn't made me a YouTube sensation yet, but we'll keep providing them. I have a couple of...



Hello world So it's been a REALLY long time since I've done one of these... but I'm going to do an ASKMIMEI today! I asked for questions on twitter....so lets get into it! What...
RIFFдf WAVEfmt + + dataАf...



Hey guys, this is TheGamingMongoose, this is just a channel update just some new games that I'm going to play, I pre-ordered Batman Arkham origins, so hopefully I'll be able to play it...



so this is gonna be really terrible first video but right now it's really really calm outside really calm and it's kinda weird though because it's raining i don't know...



hail it was a galley spcc mysticism beautiful at six and i'm just going to be talking about something split uh... eh i've heard a few issues about that and talk about pull masters...



trip and yes there are the eighteen what that was means that the maker beers in an industry that i love the caps you being an he steve he hated it it's an article here we are trying to get...
- I don't care, man. - Seriously? Hi, it's me, you know walking and all sexy like that (and idk wtf i was saying) There's people. Film them, film them. Hehehe. Okay,...



se que el amor no fue como yo queria cuando se perdio mi sueño se volvio una pesadilla ahora vienes arrepentida pidiendo perdon de rodillas me traicionaste cuando mas te queria tu eras a la unica que...

