A lot of you might think that getting organized can be expensive. You have to buy all these different containers. But in reality you can actually do it in a very affordable way. I am a big advocate on...
- Hi! Welcome to Rekwizytornia. - Today we will learn how to resin cast gemstones! (Rekwizytornia Cosplay; Subject: Resin) - Few words about resin: - There are many types of this material: in this...
"BRISTOL STOOL SCALE" Last year the University of Bristol celebrated their 100-year Anniversary. The prestigious institution of higher learning produced nine Nobel Laureates and......
CHEF BLONDIE: So we're moving into our custard for our bread pudding and we need 8 egg yolks. This is actually a lot easier to do them, one would think. I have a bowl over here as a garbage...
Music Music Music Music...fades Okay, we are going to take a look at super absorbent polymers Polymers, if you look at them under a microscope are just a long chain of molecules. Super absorbent is...
Hi, it’s Steve from PartSelect. Today we were going to show you how to change the ice cube tray on your refrigerator. Obviously you don’t need any video instruction to show you how to do that. So we...
Hi, my name is Brandon Sarkis on behalf of Expert Village. Today I’m going to show you how to make the holiday favorite Spiced Apple Cider. Okay, so we’ve got our apple juice, it’s out of the...
Hey guys this is Mario from accessorygeeks it’s time for another review and today we have this iPlunge. Looks kinda funny isn’t it? It’s pretty cute And what does it do? Hmm lets just open the box...
DENISE'S COOKING TIPS Hello. I bring you some very useful cooking tips. Did you know that you can preserve aromatic herbs without having them lose their properties? These herbs always add a...
So once it has fully come into the carafe, and it's done, you turn the coffee pot off, and take the tea and carefully, I say carefully because it's hot, and it also has this little...