Ice age: the meltdown

The Arctic Ocean is covered with a cap, if you like, of sea ice and what we're seeing in the trends in just the last few decades is that the summer coverage of the sea ice is shrinking and it...
So the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is unusual in that it's ducked to bedrocks that are actually below sea level. And the concern is that as the ocean warms up it might begin to dislodge the ice...
The glaciers on the world's major mountain ranges are already many of them melting and retreating. The biggest region of such mountain glaciers in the Himalaya, it's stated in fact by...
Jarmila Raman, a villager from Tamil Nadu in southern India is a victim of the recent flood that has devastated her modest hut and caused her so much sorrow. But now she's hopeful and smiling...



The Greenland ice sheet is the largest mass of ice in the northern hemisphere of the earth and one of the view giant ice sheets along with the ones on Antarctica. It holds in its ice on top of the...
So the Amazon Rainforest as we all know is a rich haven of the planet's bio-diversity, it's also a great store of carbon in the trees and it's an amazing system where the...



suits on the phone it's a pleasure welcome to the program jeff our last few years the director and cinematographer uh... a new film entitled chasing a heist welcome to the program jeff...
So the popular notion of a tipping point is where a small change makes a big difference, where a little change actually ends up changing the fate of quite a large system. And we've tried to...



The south-west region of North America already is one of those parts of the world that seems to be becoming drier, more arid. This is part of a more general phenomenon whereby what we think of as...
The El Nino is a phenomenon whereby a pool of warm surface seawater, which usually sits on the west of the Pacific, occasionally - every four years or so - shifts across to the east side of the...

