I welcome constructive criticism

Hi everyone. I came across an interesting video by my favourite Leo Muslim, BeholderGuard, with 15 tough questions for mankind. Let’s see what they are and whether I can address some of them. After...
and secured almost full it's an enhanced plane you'll that sell apple sony make can to and uh... the made it to andy's and uh... and feel and really seeing it and family baby...
Babel is.. Collapsing? Hey, isnt that? Babel is.. Did we do it? Clay! I see, inside is Aya, huh? I'm sorry, my fighting days are over. Give the training instructor a piece of advice from me....
>> ALLEN RABINOVICH: Hi everyone. Thank you for coming to this talk. I know there's a lot of interesting stuff happening in the other room, but we'll record it all so...
How are you? (Connemara dialect) How are you? (Ulster dialect) How are you? (Munster dialect) I'm Donovan and I have a blog called The Mezzofanti Guild (www.mezzoguild.com). I'm from...
Here I continue my thoughts on the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham on Feb 4 2014, at the Creation Museum in Petersburg Kentucky. In this video I'll begin discussing my thoughts on the...
Gabriel! Hurry! You'll be stuck here! It's no longer necessary But - I always liked that part about you. Thank you. ? So you still had some life in you? Well it's too bad!...
You are... A girl? I once knew.. The world is.. Changing... ... a dream? Christmas Eve? Was I sent back in time? Aya I'd like you to go back three days to Spanish Harlem. Your objective is to...
The chief will handle the analysis. You'll infiltrate Babel and destroy the grand opening. That is all. Do you understand?. Understood. The objective is to bring back Clay and destroy the...