I hate when this happens to me

"Something seems a little off in here. Might just be my imagination, though..." There's a message written on the wall here. It reads as follows: - If thy path not be known,...
I need a great deal on a good furnace. Do you know anything Armstrong furnace reviews? I can help you with that. I know all about Armstrong furnace reviews. Armstrong seems to be a furnace brand that...
Do you think that 16 tacos is enough for four people if I also get a big bucket of ice cream? Maybe I'll get two buckets of ice cream, 'cause Marnie's actually someone who eats...
I feel like my pregnancy is killing me I'm throwing up all the time, swollen, tired and depressed. If you are throwing up all the time, you'll feel exhausted just due to dehydration....
KIMBERLY THOMPSON-HAIRSTON: First of all, I want to tell you just a little bit of background about myself, and how I got to be where I am. I've only been teaching for five years, so...
Bar Etiquette NO NOs #9 - Can you Cover Me? | Ordering at a Bar Number 9 in our Bar Etiquette No No series - this one's called Can You Cover Me? What we've learned being behind the bar...
Hey people, this video is again from the segment, maybe not that much about trolling, but we find it interesting so deal with it! We were informed by some faggot by Grayson Matthew That's what...