(buzzing sound) (beep) Hey! It's Jimmy I'm probably crazy for doing this video update in my cubicle again But I'm on my lunch break! And my boss is also out of the office today...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
ජලයෙහි භයානකත්වය අපි යමු යාලුවනේ! අපි යමු... එන්න වැව බලන්න ඕහ්, මේක හරි විශාල එකක්නෙ. පැනල පීනන්න. මමයි ඉස්සෙල්ලම. දැන් මගේ වාරේ. හොඳයිද? නියමයි! හොන්ග් ඔයත් පනින්න. හොන්ග් ඔයත් පනින්න. හරි....
One of the primary goals of this channel is to put maximum power in the people's hands. What happens with hierarchical institutions is there's a disproportionate amount of aggressive,...
here's the interesting story I am I'm I'm curious if you have ever had any experience with bitcoins I have not I've been watching this thing I've talked on the...