You develop a relationship in Newburyport at clothiers with John and Didi and then you have a plan and that plan is for you and Atticus to hike forty eight peaks am I right about that well one of my...
Will either of these ads move the needle? It's Buzz60 Politics, I'm Jay DeDapper In the fraught-with-danger fraught-with-possibilities period between the end of the conventions and the...
Oh God... I'm too old for this. Dawm this...! I forgot the bag! hold on... Santa Claus to Sled, Santa Claus to Sled, Over. Sled to santa Claus, Over. Dwarf, do me a favor, i forgot the bag up...
The coming properly qualified in Occupational Health and Safety is a great way to develop new skills and enhance your visionary. The OHS training course will build your knowledge of workplace health...
What's the matter? I'm a failure. My goal setting isn't working. Before you admit defeat, let's see what you could do differently. Stay tuned to find out how you can...
ANNOUNCER: Saving taxpayer dollars. That's the focus of this year's SmartPay2 Conference in Atlanta. Administrator Martha Johnson addressed conferees, highlighting how the highly...
- But we might not have to do that - I hear you, but I really like these guys. They have shiny uniforms. It's important to have nice uniforms. I don't care if they are incapable of...
[music] omichelle15 from Texas asks What are some things you should not do in Korea. Well, this is pretty easy. Like, very easy. Let's see. Ahh. Murder! Buying Japanese Electronics Spitting on...