Human factors and ergonomics

Hi! I'm Ted Boyle, a director at Back2. Back pain is terrible! Do you sit in an office chair all day? Not everyone knows this, but not all chairs are the same. A chair that suits you...
Hi I'm Sara Taylor Eggleston, President of Structured Health Resources. I founded the company in 1996 to prevent and manage disability in the workplace. Out team all comes from a...
HI-TECHNOLOGY AND TELEMATICS - DRIVING STYLE EVALUATION DRIVING STYLE EVALUATION est un système exclusif du STRALIS HI-WAY qui permet au conducteur de réduire sa consommation de carburant en mieux...
Today, is the seventh session of ergonomics for beginners industrial design perspective. Now, it is under module number 2, that is, discipline approach ergonomics and human factors. And there are...
So, welcome to this fifth session of ergonomics for beginners, industrial design perspective. Now, out of these 10 modules, this is under module 2, that is, Discipline approach ergonomics and Human...
Hello, welcome to this lecture on biomathematics. Currently, in the section we are discussing statistics relevant to biology. And, we discussed about averages, standard deviation and some kind of...
We know how to do this, and here corners were cut short and it bit them. Bob Steffes knows about deepwater oil rigs and he knows about cement and even though he doesn't yet know all the...
Welcome to the 32 session of ergonomics for beginners industrial design perspective. The current module is module number 8 - ergonomics design process. Out of the four classes, in this module, so the...
Welcome to the thirty-ninth session of ergonomics for beginners industrial design perspective. So, among tenth module, the current module is module number 9: Performance support and design...
Lancement produit - Episode 3/10 : Conçue pour l'ergonomie Notre offre a été complètement revue. En terme de conception et d’esthétique, nous avons voulions repositionner ce nouveau produit...