Back in 2001 there was someone on placement with the Steeple Church who was studying theology and youth work and her task was really to do youth work with the church young people. However, she was...
Ooh, baby There's something I gotta tell ya I think you should come over tonight You know I'm gonna try to compel ya I guarantee that you're gonna have a good time, yeah (Yeah,...
Hi! I’m Lisa Krone and I am here with Best Epicurean on behalf of and today we are going to make cocoa from scratch. What I’ve done is I’ve grabbed a coffee cup and I like to use...
What's up everybody? Got that new song from the Hot Chocolate Party It's called '91 Accord Let's go! '91 Accord 1990, 1990 '91 Accord R- r- rusted rims...
Hanging with a girl on a Sunday night It's a quarter past 9, yeah, time is tight Had dinner at Arby's, fine cuisine Yo, check it out, I'm a love machine Got her flowers, got...
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What's left of the cake at Angelina's by TravelPod member croxandlilt Yummy Hot Chocolate from Angelina's by TravelPod member berniandjay Angelina's famous hot...
hello good morning everybody welcome to the beautiful national is the end of the american indian and this is our rasmussen theater we are celebrating the power of chocolate we've been doing...
- Alright, you ready to do this thing? - Oh, hell yeah. - Here we go, let's knock it out in 5...4...3...2...1? - Hey there, Hot Chocolate Partiers, how the hell are ya? This is Michael...