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Hello and welcome! to a new Unboxing Video and I'm pretty sure what's in there and...let's unpack this well packaged it is larger than I thought unfortunately it's...
this solar toy car is a ready made chinese toy. it is difficult to make it because it is difficult to find small solar panels. but it is a very nice toy. you can see these 4 wheels down below. these...
Ok kids, time for some maths! 1 + 1 = SOLAR! Basically we're running out of oil, so everybody knows what oil is right? Well oil is used to convert into petrol and we put petrol in the cars so...
Hello everybody. I will show you my latest finds. They're all Treasure Hunts and Supers , the first Treasure Hunt is this Ford GTX1 , very nice , nice wheels , nice colour. My stores...
Hello and welcome! today I received a package from Media-Dealer and well let's open it up as you can already see..it's Back to the Future with Delorean it was on sale on Media-Dealer...
Hi everybody and welcome back. Lately we played alot with Track Sets and Playsets and it was very fun and we also tried something different like the Nano Speed Track Set and you can check that here....
Goodbye, my son. Our hopes and dreams travel with you. He'll be an outcast. They'll kill him. How? He'll be a God to them. What if a child dreamed of becoming something other...
Nooo , we are going to have an accident ... Hello everybodyyyy , we're going to play again in this video and I find this opportunity to ask you guys if you really like this kind of videos and...