>> COLLEEN: Heyya, I’m here with my boy Justin from Urbandaddy.com. Say hi, Justin. >> JUSTIN: Hi. >> COLLEEN: The sense of smell is so powerful that it can...
-Do not try to adjust the picture. -A new form of television is here. -Back from the liquor store Dressed up like a ho Dancing real sexy Lots of drunk texting Alone on a Friday night No boyfriend...
(Intro music)Whats up Orabuddies? The higher ups have finally taken notice of my vast talents and professional potential. The regular warehouse guy is sick, everybody else is swamped. I've got...
So we're here in Nashville, Tennessee and one things for sure, all hunting and no play makes Mr H a very dull boy indeed. So later on tonight we're gonna go and watch the Nashville...
Hi, I'm Dr. T.K. Roy. I am speaking on behalf of Expert Village. Birds are maintained on a free range system, or what is commonly called the "open cafeteria" system. That is,...
I wish we had a cooler system, but the reality is...whenever you guys send us games, we�re kinda like vultures, around those packages. Or hyenas, circling our prey...before busting into an elaborate...
He is gorgeous... I brought pop-corn Took you only an hour... What are we watching? Eleftheria rented a stupid movie The shining stupid?! The shining is a great movie. We're totally watching...
Hallo und Willkommen zu meinem nächsten Kartentrick heute performe ich den Kartentrick Royal Change den hab ich von EllebMagic gelernt da könnt ihr mal vorbeischauen, werde ich auch verlinken diesen...



How to talk to women? Hi everyone, Imagine yourself in a pub. There are so many hot chicks. You see one of them. She is very beautiful and then she smiles to you. Now you have to talk to her. But the...