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Venezuela's President, Nicolas Maduro, has broken diplomatic relations and frozen economic ties with Panama. The decision comes after the Central American nation requested a meeting at the...
The Libyan government says former leader Col Muammar Gaddafi's son, Saadi, has been extradited from Niger and is now in custody in Tripoli. Pictures posted on the internet apparently showed...
If a full-fledged war erupts, Ukraine's military would be dwarfed by its neighbor to the north. In 2012, Russian active armed forces numbered 845,000 versus 130,000 for Ukraine, according to...
Two members of Libya's parliament were shot and wounded when protesters stormed the General National Congress (GNC) in the capital, Tripoli. Witnesses said the two were hit as they tried to...
Hey everybody we will be playing doom whose mom year ponies weekend 9 a.m. in okay then to hit them people yes them this is we just sayin old you work no you get it we're when rival loans now...
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The Pakistani Taliban have announced a month-long ceasefire aimed at reviving stalled peace talks with government. Pakistan's government welcomed the announcement as a "positive...
events of the pretty interesting on and a lot simpson and she was one of the main stars and have a harry potter israel s for young girl she's finally eighty means she's beautiful...