As with most things in life there are solutions for most issues. In terms of cosmetics we are talking about hair removal You can buy over the counter creams or you can make your own Here is one...
(Jeoprady Music) (Loud Explosion) Soft Hair Tutorial Hey Guys It's me here I am gonna show you two tutorials today about how to make your hair really soft and silky and shiny and I have just...
Hi, my name is Min and today I would like to share with you a tip on how to dye hair in highlights at home. And this tip works best for short to medium length hair. If you hair is very long it may not...
Hi. Welcome. Just getting my water ready to do some color. So today I'm going to show you how to use Dawn dish washing liquid to lighten your hair. By the way my name is Sylvia Russell. Listen...
I am going to to do quick measurements for hair length. So I am grabbing some hair and I am making sure not to grab vertically down because hair that is up top is higher than hair is that is down low,...
Crisis Music It's very complicated around here. Strangers who come out here have problems. What sort of problems? What? What sort of problems? If they catch them, they kill them. They...
There are alternative home methods offered to get rid of acne scarring. The body body's defence mechanism is alerted in the injury because pore is loaded with the bacteria. implement honey on...