"The Lie That Heals: Should Doctors Give Placebos?" A controversial paper was recently published arguing that it's not only OK for doctors to lie to patients, but that we...
Proper Treatment For A Dog That Has Cancer Dogs are definitely man's best friend, so it's devastating when a dog becomes sick While every breed is prone to certain health related...
Wartrol is one of the most preferred treatments against genital warts. Known to be a very nagging condition prevalent in men and women, warts are caused by the Human Pappilloma Virus (HPV). These...
haemorrhoid home remedy hi there do you suffer from hemorrhoids you are not alone today let me introduce an effective and safe formula that helps give you relief from both internal and external...



Victoria Jodis: We are here with Elizabeth England of Longevity Pure Medicine and we've been friends for a couple of years since I moved from Chicago. You have an amazing product--I remember I...
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Hi everyone! This is Dr. Susan Riegg from susanrieggmd.com. In today's video I'm going to address many questions about the discontinuation up injectable HCG. I'm going to kind...
Many people that suffer from genital warts are asking which the best place to purchase Wartrol is. Even though it is possible to find many cheaper sources where you can buy such OTC products online,...
Lifetree addresses the worldwide community of classical homeopathy professionals. Lifetree helps you provide accurate diagnosis by identifying remedies for your patients, suggesting rubrics for...