I remember when we broke up the first time Saying this is it, I've had enough... Besides! We hadn't seen each other in a month When you said you needed space What? Then you come around...
Everyone who is wanting to enter the tournament has put their name into the Goblet of Fire. Tonight the Goblet of Fire will choose who of you will enter the tri-wizard tournament! Another name. Mr....
-(Ned) Hello? Hello? Is anyone here? [footsteps echo] Whoa! It's huge magical wardrobe! I bet it leads to Narnia, just like in those books and those popular movies that are based on those...
Hey, there. I'm Guy Fieri, and we're rolling out looking for America's greatest diners, drive-ins, and dives. This trip... That is outstanding. ...we're getting...
Hey guys, Jess here, and welcome to MInecraft Builds of the Week, where we bring you the best, most creative, and most interesting Minecraft Builds we saw each week - stick around to the end to see...
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch! You really are a heel! You're as cuddly as a cactus! You're as charming as an eel! Mr. Grinch! You're a bad banana with a greasy black...
I lived my life in shadow Never the sun on my face It didn’t seem so sad, though I figured that was my place Now I'm bathed in light Something just isn’t right I'm under your spell...



Snape! The man they call Snape! The master of potions was like none before He fought against evil, and helped Dumbledore. He saved Harry Potter and helped him escape The Hero of Hogwarts, the man they...
Dumbledore once said to me "Do not pity the dead Harry, Pity the living, and above all, those who live without love". Well, I want love. Don't you? Oh, good! Well then...
This is flu, many of them have a cold, they must drink water every minute. They're much better now, but not quite, so, it's time for them to moisten their vocal cords. We're...