Good morning. My name is Gareth Robinson and I am an eighth grader at Auburn Middle School. I’d like to talk about how I use technology in my education. I’ve been using technology for as long as I...
Fine day's work. Where to from here? Reckon you better head down to Tucson. Ain't you coming? Nah, I've got some debts to settle... I'll meet you and the boys down...
CHAPTER III OF THE MAGICAL INFLUENCE OF A MAP I did not, however, find Lieutenant Clutterbuck that night. He was out of reach, and likely to remain so for some while to come. He had left his lodgings...
This is a brief video tutorial of the resources available to students faculty and staff at the Santa Fe Community College. We will also cover the cycle of information publication and what type of...
please give a warm welcome to the stage for Zev Naiditch Thank you For clapping before I did anything... Now I owe you one. shalom which I've discovered is Hebrew for "Please...
I'm very passionate about research and applied linguistics. I'm hoping to establish a career in research, it's a long road but I'm hoping to get there. I started...
David Mitchell: Until he got off the wrong street car. And modern day Nagasaki, like many Japanese cities are probably... They're the sort of quite, assaults on the eyeball really....
My name is Leung Chi-Yen, and I have not lived a normal life. In the year 1856 I watched helplessly as the Temple of Seven Dragons burned to the ground, set ablaze by the Englishman Basil Malvenue and...
Nathan Massangill transcription >> JOANNA: Hi, everyone. I’m Joanna Penn from, and today I’m here with Nathan Massangill. So, welcome to the show, Nathan!...
CHAPTER V THE ADVENTURE IN THE WOOD A loud roll of drums beneath my windows, the inspiriting music of trumpets, the lively measured stamp of feet. The troops with General Amherst at their head were...