Hey guys, don't see, make an X, make an X. Welcome to Candy Trips. I'm Melissa and I'll take you to strange galaxies. I have a space date today. Hi, I'm Oskar X. Oskar...
You saw! No, you didn't see it. It's really nice here. Shame you can't see it. I smell it. Did you bump into someone? No, but I feel. I hear. Mind the step now. LUDWIG...
When I was little, I was into great clothes and nicked all my mum's stuff. I was a fan of Karl Lagerfeld and Chanel. But I believed Chanel only make perfume. I didn't know they make...
It's like a zoo. There are windows all around. Sometimes people just stop and watch me. I need some felt for sushi cushions. It's for a big Manga convention. They like cute, cuddly...
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Lizzie: Hi, everyone! Jane and I are having a bit of a disagreement. She says that I keep instigating arguments with Darcy when he's trying to be nice. Jane: "Nice" was not...
Hi, this is Josh and Dietmar. I'm Josh, this is Dietmar. What's up this week? Let's do this again. Hey, this is Dietmar and Josh. We have a few interesting clips for you this...
Are you online? A, camera child Bernd, camera child Klaus? Welcome to rap.de tv. Before I start I want to say thank you for the great feedback and all your comments. Keep subscribing to the channel....
Hello, fellow YouTubers, and hello once again, Kloons. This is my third Existential Wednesday challenge, so happy Existential Wednesday once more. This challenge is a fashion show. It's gonna...