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extraordinária o Deputado Rodrigo Maia flabop a favor do requerimento ele é do DEM do Rio de Janeiro. >> Senhor Presidente, Srs. E Sras. Deputados, hoje nessa manhã, antes dessa sessão...



I got lost in Marcuse's forest, because I longed for you. So I think you understand, I got lost in Marcuse's forest, because I longed for you. It was tough to think, and to...



Hostess: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight you will witness a contest of magic between two masters of illusion. Hostess: The first is Prescott the Great. Prescott: Thank you, thank you! Hostess: His...
[In the jungle, the mighty jungle] WE FUCK ANIMALS! [In the jungle, the quiet jungle] WE FUCK ANIMALS! I'm tired of fucking people, I'm tired of fucking myself I put my dick inside a...
Hello! My name is Kaity Today, I will be signing a song called, 'I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas'. Please Enjoy. I want a hippopotamus for Christmas Only a hippopotamus will do...
Hello! Today I am going to sign a song called 'Grace Kelly' by MIKA. Enjoy! [Male] I wanna talk to you. [Female] The last time we talked Mr. Smith you reduced me to tears. I promise...



I don't really know what I want for Christmas I haven't wrote one thing on the wishlist And I hope I can come up with something Before the 25th because Santas coming I don't...



I don’t want to sound like a prick here, but there’s a reason critics so often slam Dreamworks while praising Pixar. In fact, there are many reasons. But I think their two current projects really...
This tutorial will show you how to make a custom skin for CycloDS/EDGE This is my current theme i use for my NDS I highly recommend starters to download my tutorial pack shown on the description bar...