Hey I appreciate you stopping by here. I'm Daniel James and I was a serial "MLM"er. You see, I joined multiple business opportunities, and i failed at them all. Eventually......
Hey there! I just moved out here and am looking to start hunting. I haven't shot a gun since I was young, and that was a .22. I'm wondering if it makes too much a difference in what I...
All I Can Say Is Hold Tight To Your Seats Here's The Game You Came Too See And It Will Put You All On Your Feet I'M The Winner I Got Game In Me Cause In Me There Is No Word Defeat! Now...
Hey there Drew, my name is Roberto Alvarez, and I'm 25 years old, I did the Alpha Reset back in January when I first started juicing and I just finished that again for the summer challenge....
Day Trading Success Stories - Big Results - Big Process Hey ya'll Liz, here. Today I'm going to put out this video that I promised everyone who reads my blog. The video discusses just...
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- Hey. - I think I did the right thing, but I just need you to confirm that I did the right thing. I said something to someone. What exactly did you say, ma'am, and to who? To whom. Senator...
Think about it before you walk away Take your time girl I'm not going anywhere It's not easy to leave all this behind you Sit beside me don't fill your eyes with tears Look...
I don't know if you know why it needs to be hot? I don't know if you know why it needs to be clean? I don't know if you know, it'll be a problem if you're...
Hey guys, Matt Weiss here, www.Weiss-Sound.com, www.TheProAudioFiles.com. Today I'm going to demonstrate the idea that sometimes affecting one thing is really about how the other things around...