(voice over: baby crying) (voice over: ominous music) (voice over: baby crying) (scary voice over: Eddie, your baby's waiting) No!! Baby, what's the matter? Baby Baby How's the...
during the 2009 debate about that health care bill President Obama and the his administration claimed I look of course we'd love to do single pair but we just you know college you just...
Su hombre se fue durante casi un año debió estar en casa ayer pero él no esta aquí su hombre se fue durante casi un año debió estar en casa ayer pero él no esta aquí... Por sus calles su llanto es un...



(typing) (sigh) (heavy breathing) (crunching) (plays piano) (Martin phone message voice over: Hey it's me) (I am going crazy) (I need to get out of here for a while) (Can you meet me for lunch...
(Ted: Were you always this short?) (Benny: No) (Benny: You were just always above me) (Music) In your mind anyway That's funny you can be funny No funny business Do you have keys? Ah God how...
Prueba de anti envejecimiento y la prosperidad La mayoría cuando llega a los 50 dice "oh no! Es el fin del mundo! Ahhhh!" Cuan viejo te sientes? Cuan viejo es tu cuerpo? Cuando...



(door opening) What are we doing here again? Well Benny invited us so I thought it would be nice if we Actually showed up Looks like it's good we did It's pretty sparse If...
brad pitt also recently had an interview and he talked about he talked about a lot of personal things that they use talking a parade and %um first of all brad pitt is never done anything for me...



Las puertas y ventanas estaban todas cerradas Pasé la noche en vela y con un ruido me levante. En medio de la tristeza, con temor, sin esperanza. Los soldados nos pudieron encontrar para llevarnos....

