>>Gonzalo: Good afternoon. My name is Gonzalo Begaso and I work in Finance. We are extremely proud of having Dr. Huerta here and I'm gonna ask my colleague, Ashley, to introduce...
Ulcerative colitis and CrohnÕs disease do have an important underlying feature in common: inflammation connected to an abnormal immune system. Research has shown that the inflammation in IBD involves...
Subtitles by SBS [Episode 1] I warned you not to touch students from my school! You little...! Which do you prefer? A game with multiple punches or just one? All right, one super punch! To be frank...
Welcome to Manuka natural in New Zealand I'm Bill Gluyas and today I will answer the question is how can I get rid of diarrhea Now this is a problem people often encounter when they travel to...
[Introduction Music] CARLOS: Man, what a game! JUAN: Yeah, did you see that pitcher's face when I slammed that homer? CARLOS: I sure did. My Dad had that same look the other day. JUAN: Oh...
Las manos son como incubadoras para todo tipo de gérmenes; hoy hablaremos de los gérmenes también conocidos como patógeno, los cuales están directamente asociados con enfermedades relacionadas a...
[SOUND] Okay, gang. Sorry for the technical delay. Hear you see some southern sea lions playing in the surf and Patagonia, not a care in their lives, having fun. >> Boom, boom, boom,...
REMEDIOS NATURALES PARA LA GASTRITIS - MEDICINA NATURAL PARA LA GASTRITIS ¿Quieres Acabar con la constante presión y dolor en el pecho ? ¿Poner fin al daño que tu organismo está experimentando,...
¿Estás Curando tu Reflujo Acido y tu Acidez o EMPEORANDOLAS? has sido un adicto al Zentic y Tums y sin embargo el dolor, especialmente durante las noches o después de una comida pesada continua? a...
Production Transcript for LECTURE 4- ABDOMEN GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM.Movie.640x480.mp4 [00:00:03] >> Alright, welcome back and we're going to be hitting up Chapter 4 of the...