Things didn't work out. As always. My longest relationship has been with chronic gastritis. That's the comment I make every time my relatives ask me about my girlfriends when I stop...
This is Randall Powell for Expert Village and in this clip I am going to tell you about the numbering system when they classify you to become a team roper. When you just start roping, you want to be...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang3081{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Most the acievements for this game actually arnt too...
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Mister Ajikko On the highway shuttling among the tall buildings We can start-up the whole city once pressing one button! The tideway of the age induct the almost missing hearts Living naturally and...



>> Narrator: The following video is based on true events. Viewer discretion is advised. [Background music] [Written: Missing: The Saskatchewan Files] >> Narrator: There is...



This is Randall Powell with Expert Village and in this clip I am going to explain the specifics in heeling a steer. When you are heeling a steer, you need to have a pretty good size loop. Like I said,...
[Text overlay: "What is the role of a Sheriff's Officer?"] Hello, my name's Brendan Facey and I'm the Sheriff of Victoria. I'm very pleased that...
Hi, I'm Ed Armenta the Forest Supervisor of the Inyo National Forest. In my spare time I enjoy getting out traveling the many roads of this Forest, exploring the wide open spaces and deep...
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