Allah is called what? نور السماوات و الأرض (the light of the skies and the earth) Is نور nur something experienced by people? Yes. So Allah doesn't have to say, "Allah...
This is Part Two in a series about the kingdom of God. We have been removing the mystery, the error—and the general confusion—that surrounds this all-important Bible subject. Jesus spoke constantly...
Many people wonder why they are going through the rough times that they are going through. And it's because Jesus rebukes and chastens those who He loves. You see, He loved the world enough to...
[no dialogue]. Thank you for asking me back again. I always love coming down here because I love talking about film, and you always have such great topics. Today, I want to talk briefly about the...
Stop copying me. Championship quality. Vinnie and Flint Shearson are the ones running the Nigerian scam. That explains why Flint is dating Ms. Springer. She has all the passwords. Including...
As-Salam alaikum Ayyuhal Yaran, Shah Mardan. How beautiful it is to be ahbab (beloved friends) to Shah Mardan. How beautiful. Allah. Allah. Let us say "Allah". Ya Hu. Marhaban O...
She's Always on My Mind From the time I wake up, Till I close my eyes. She's everywhere I go She's all I know. And though she's so far away, It just keeps getting...
Go ahead Ay Yaran Shah Mardan. As-salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. Shah Mardan's Yaran, beloved friends, Salam (peace & greetings) to you. And may it be a Salam coming...
Flattery has really deceived many Christians into having a FAKE love. They think that flattery is useful to win people into the kingdom. But this kind of love is with a pretense, it is so people will...