Ma Phyu Phyu Thet, well, your Ma Phyu. Today, there was a guy following her to give a letter but she didn't take the letter and threw it away. I saw it with my own eyes. It won't be...
You're only going for 2 years right? I'm not gonna leave you... I'm not going anywhere... What if I come back and you're gone, you're gonna leave me......
(Pan the room.) Random use of candles, empty bottles, and cloth, and can you see me through this fan? (Slo-mo dove.) Creepy doll, a window, and what looks like a bathrobe, Then a dimlit shot of...
Hi there! Can you guess what I am? I'll give you a hint... I have a very important job inside your body and your heart helps me to do my job. I'm a red blood cell! My job is so...
What was it? Our Inception? Our Malfeasance? Visitors form the Cosmic Abyss? One way or another, our country, has seen the birth of a miracle…the Zone. A place of horror, mystery and wealth beyond...
Welcome back for another look at new features coming in Heart of the Swarm. This is Kevin Johnson, also known as "Cloaken", and I am the Community Manager for StarCraft II. In this...
Translation Credits: pop!gasa @ Did you hurt a lot? Are you really tired? Did I make things hard for you? I was only used to receiving love I think I only knew myself I know...
We all got only one heart that hurts when it's sad. We all got blood that stays red even if you blend it. We all have just one a goal. The way there takes us home. We have just one horizon....