Need health insurance? Health insurance costs are rising and At we understand that affordability and quality of care are important to you. View Kaiser Permanente health insurance...
We've always been well looked after because i've was in the Army for 36 years and then I went I worked as a civil servant in nato with a fantastic healthcare service I retired from...
LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX Roy Christopher: I think a good teacher is a teacher that connects with the students and just you know just connect with the students and are open to them. Lazanius...



>> So I'm Susan Gray. I'm the President of the New England Chapter for the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. I'd like to welcome you today to our...
I actually went to Africa and worked in an orphanage where most of the children had HIV and TB. I came home and I just felt like I had to do something. I felt really passionate that this was something...
As a parent it's really important that you continue talking with your teen. Sometimes you might need to look for those one-on-one moments that present themselves. Maybe when you're...
Ottawa Public Health (OPH) is pleased to launch the "Have That Talk" campaign. The "Have That Talk" mental health video series was created to give parents more...
We say a person is in good mental health when they have the ability to contribute to their day-to-day lives, they fit in and participate in activities with their family and their community, and that...
One of the most important skills that we can help our teenagers learn is how to problem solve. So, as a parent we tend to want to jump right in and help our children and solve all their problems for...
One of the most important things that we can learn and our teens can learn in a difficult situation is just how to be positive; how to make a positive out of a negative and we call that being...