He was trying to help me put away clothes

We've gone through everything. We've gone through set up. We've showed you some tricks and some ways to iron things that you probably never even thought of. We went through all...
Hello today I am gonna show you how to wear a Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor. So after my last video failing to count. So 160 plus 12 so thats 182. And manually taking my own pulse rate. I decided that...
Once I stepped off the elevator, I quickly shed my Pops disguise. The lobby itself was full of expectant looking people, and those checking into the hotel. I made to cut quickly across the grove...
Hi. This is Mike Johnson with Vexxt Business Growth. Today I want to talk about stealing profit and how your employees can affect what kinds of margins you get and what kind of customers you have....
Little Red Riding Hood Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a small village. Her grandmother, who lived on the other side of the village, had made her a pretty red riding hood. She...
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No! No! You go back into the toilet, demon poop! Back to where you came from! You stay away from me and you stay away from the children! Hello, Desmond. Oh hello Trisha. Were you, um... were you just...
How far is it to Deepwood Motte? Not far, my lord. Your sister is waiting for you there. - She sent you to save me? - Yes. I served them, the men who were torturing you. I did what they told me and...