Let's go If you can gaze into the future (future) You might think live would be a breeze (Life (Bridge) I try to save the situation Then I end up misbehaving (Rap) Hey, now What ya say, now...



Santa Teresa tram by TravelPod member andyandem Sunset from the balcony by TravelPod member andyandem Throwing up gang signs, yeh yeh by TravelPod member andyandem Restorative coffee in Garota Ipanema...



EREPUBLIK FILMS "Esse é o meu país" "Nós aqui votamos mal, rouba-se um tanto, batemos boca...." "... algumas ovelhas são banidas" "Às...



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Hi girls, how are you? This is my first video Actually, I am on the process of making another video as I received some emails asking me what I am doing in London, how long have I lived here, some...
Tradução: Brenda Pagliotti | @pqpbrenda The difference at the end of the day. My greatest achievement so far as MN was met you guys beside your side I've learned how to love and how to feel...
I'm Adhemas Batista. I was born in São Paulo in 1980. I'm Brazilian, I'm married and have 4 kids. I started working when I was 15, and got married when at the age of 21....
Hello, I'm Adhemas Batista and I'm going to show you what I did for Fotolia's TEN project I work on a Mac I use Photoshop and Illustrator a lot. I think my work is really...