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mr.hotsia: นี่ครับตอนนี้้ผม mr.hotsia ครับ ผมอยู่ที่จังหวัดประจวบน่ะครับ อยู่ที่หัวหินและวันนี้ก็มีปรากฏการณ์ น้ำหนีบน่ะครับ ก็จะมีปลาเนี่ยขึ้นมาตายอยู่่บนชายหาด น้ำหนีบก็คือ เกิดจากปริมาณออ๊กซิเจน...



No, but it's really true, and I think you're making a really good point too. This idea that, if you're not dealing with the feelings, it comes out in other ways. I mean, my way...



You worked so hard for your open licence. Enjoy the freedom. You deserve it. But it doesn't mean you stop learning. You can always be a better driver. You NEVER want to lose your licence. So...
We always get people asking us what the differences are between different toilet suites and why one toilet is $100 and another one is $1500 It's kind of like cars you know if you've...



At Kanchanaburi by TravelPod member candcthai Floating Market by TravelPod member candcthai Hell fire Pass by TravelPod member candcthai Rat by TravelPod member candcthai River Kwai by TravelPod...



Hello. Are you here to see the room? Is this the place? - Are you Ivan? - Yes. How are you? - Emmmmmm. - Do you want to come in? This is the kitchen and sitting room. We have to get more light in but...



Guys discusssing the afternoon's plan by TravelPod member beadledove King of Thailand, King of Chicken and monks by TravelPod member beadledove Mobile cocktails.... by TravelPod member...
Ariff...Do you know why you're here today? Arh...I...not so sure Sir. Remember your MC you submitted? arh yes sir..about my 3 days MC? We discover there's something wrong with it....



Do i really need it (Ticket)? well....I don't think so My life was not always the same. It was love that made all the difference. Let me begin from where it all started. It was my regular...