on welcome back to the David Pakman show am look far this is the UN correspondent for talk radio news service he is reporting today from Jordan this is Luke vargas for the talk radio news service...
I ain't never give a fuck You think I'm supposed to give a fuck now cus I'm rich? Shit on me made me worse Hatin' ass niggas made me worse Hatin' ass niggas...
Christmas is such a nice time, there is snow on the ground and people are happy. I agree. I'm just a bit annoyed that my birthday is at the same time. Don't be such a martyr. Could you...



lololololol You have now turned on the captions. What will you see now is random that lost time so yes what's working kimmy k king and getting the hang of it now and and oval shaped subtilis...



Hi troll! Enjoy! (by Kavalier Calm at crowdsourceinspiration.tumblr.com) Troll, I bet you were bullied in grade school: the kids laughed at your macaroni art. And now in the name of karma, you use the...
I am Alexis Ohanian, start up guy. My mission statement is to make the world suck less. [Music] I don't want to keep ranting. [Music] Back when I was at UVA, I actually met Steve Huffman, who...