My name is David Attenborough and I gave the Christmas Lectures on animal behavior in 1973. You might think that the orangutan would be a very good subject to try and teach to talk. Actually, not so,...
[Music] One of the reasons people love fox shooting is it can be so challenging.There are so many factors to be taken into consideration, especially at night. Your decision-making process has to be...



[Music] Tonight we are hitting the stealth mode button - George has taken delivery of a new electric powered polaris utv and it will mean the foxes won't know what's gliding towards...
♪ Wild Kratts ♪ Hey, it's the Kratt Brothers. And I'm Chris. And we've got a creature we want to introduce you to. A creature you need a big, thick leather glove to meet. A...
Welcome to Team Wild Varminators, and this week our varminating duo are the lethal combination of Chunk and Big Steve. Derbyshire's dynamic pest control duo are out to hunt some fox tonight....
[Music] Welcome to Fieldsports Britain. Coming up we are in Sussex for the Sunday Times, shooting pheasants and deer. We are finding out how they call in foxes in Scandinavia in a funny foreign...
The only reason these birds chase it is to get this little bit of food And this is supposed to simulate how a bird would naturally chase pray out in the wild because these birds are bird eating birds...
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What is the main peculiarity of this bird? You have to know that a Golden Eagle is very jealous Golden Eagle's lifespan is big enough A Golden Eagle is the strongest bird of prey which dwells...
>> "Arizona Wildlife Views." Brought to you by the sale of hunting and fishing licenses and the heritage fund. Lottery dollars working for wildlife. Some projects made...