Hey guys and welcome to MinnieMollyReviews, and today i am reviewing 'Super G' by Hara, uh harajuku, which is part of the 'Harajuku Lovers' by Gwen Stefani, uh so this...
What's your nickname? People call me Kurumi-chan. Well, and Kurumi.. They call me by my first name. Also some people call me da-kuru. It's from my name nakaDa KURUmi. What's...



Hello~! -What's that? How are you two going with MC-ing the show? -Wait, who are you? What are you? Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sorenodon and I'm here to help...
We are at a boutique called Candy in Shibuya today Ta-da~! How is this colorful environment for you? So cute! This is the visual violence -Yep Do you come here often? -Yeah I come here quite often You...
Thank you very much for coming to KAWAii!! MATSURi, everyone! This is our first attempt to film HARAJUKU KAWAii TV in front of the audience! We would like to welcome international guests today. They...
Today I decided to go with some pastel colored clothes to make my outfit more spring-like. These are my Converse platform sneakers that I hadn't been wearing for some time but I decided to...
Going for a walk with Kelly in Singapore This is Kelly-chan from Singapore! -Hello~! Today it's the day for Kelly-walking! Let's get started then! -Ok! I'm getting hungry so I...
We are making Dango today! That's what we are doing today! Being just two of us feels bit wired.. It's our first time being by ourselves, isn't it? That's right!...
Hello~! I'm at the venue where KPP will be performing tonight! Let's have a look! Do you go to Singapore Japanese School? -No I go to a local school. -I see. So you speak Japanese,...
It's probably because we've got a good photographer isn't it? -Probably it is. Have we got some good photos for the magazine? -Yeah we have! -He did a great job! Oh you missed...

