Happy birthday facebook

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integrity of the year coming to prem made that here in california and today is a very special in eighty in the co-founder and paranoia or it with pretty intention as uh... thousands of other people...
The day I first met you You told me you'd never fall in love But now that I get you I know fear is what it really was Now here we are, so close Yet so far, haven't I passed the test?...
-How about you and I get into your big car, go to my place, and enjoy the night in a way very few people really let themselves enjoy a night? -June? -I know, you want to go. But you know what they...
So, who is Hatsune Miku? Well, she's special She sings for the world And today, It's already her sixth birthday. From small notes, to rhythms, and finally, a song. A singer that never...
Happy birthday, Justin Bieber! The Biebz turns 19 today, and he already got the party started at 3am this morning on the other side of the pond! The 'Boyfriend' singer, who is...
You have friends. And your friends have birthdays. And your friends- they're on Facebook. Let's say this friend has a birthday next week and you'd like to send her something...
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