Hi, This is Mike Lucido and, I am the inventor of the Ear Hair Plucker. That's right. First push the plunger in, which spreads the spring coils, and then stick it in your ear somewhere where...
Hi! This is Holly Olson and today we are going to talk about hair removal. There are many different techniques you can use at home. Although there is times you may want to seek a professional to do...
Hi, today I would like to show you how this device works. It's Scholl Express Pedi and I will start by replacing the rollers. It's replaced like this - it's very easy. Just...
[MUSIC PLAYING] ROBERT DAVIS-BROCKWEILER MUNGHJ: Are we on? MALE SPEAKER: Ya. ROBERT DAVIS-BROCKWEILER MUNGHJ: I'm Robert Davis-Brockweiler Munghj. I'm the legal counsel representing...
Okey, so I'm only going to cover how to remove decals on a windshield ... ... The same method is applied when your removing decals or stickers from your body ... ... or your paintwork. But it...
Hi! I'm George Stonebrook for Expert Village here talking to you today about preventing theft to your vintage car. Another way to prevent your car from being stolen is to make sure it...
Hello my pretties! I'm Sharrayah... and today I will be doing a haul video for you. And basically the stuff that I've gotten is from the experience I had at the 'Night...
laser hair removal san diego is revolutionary and is totally that it's quick it's painless it's ease the and at half last paragraph it's dinner it's not...



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Hey Guys so today were gonna do like a fashion haul. So i went shopping. So i know like the third time this week but, who needs rent money anyway. But guess where i went! I went SHOPPING. OOOHHHHH....