Okay, so I have the three sections that I just showed you guys with Ashley's hair and I'm holding onto it now. Two are larger and they've got the actual hair and then the tuft...
As you can see, we've just done two beautiful braids on Alexa. She was so nice to let us use her hair, and let us use her as a model. So what we're going to do, I'm going to...
Have your comb nearby, in your pocket or wherever you want to put it. Alright, so down here we see in Alexa's hair that I have taken a section, this first section. Now, before I get started...
Hi! I’m Kerri Hernandez I’m here today on expertvillage.com, here at Cynergy Dance Studio where you can find us at www.cynergydance.com, I’m here to talk to you today about hair braiding different...



Okay, this is Jeanette, and we are in our last segment of French braiding Alexa's hair. As you can see, I have taken out the ends that we worked on so carefully, so I can show you just a few...
Okay, we've got our three pieces of hair, for our braid, and you're going to start gradually turning it. So, keep these pieces really small, smaller than they've been, to get...



Ok getting close towards where we're going to turn the braid to create our zag, just make sure you're keeping it in line and go ahead and just grab that hair. You want to make sure you...



O.k., now were going to start talking about stylized braiding. When it come to stylized braiding, it's very, very important to plan how you're going to do it, how much hair you want in...
O.K. we're getting read to start our zigzag braid. You can either start from the outside if you prefer, or the inside. This is just my preference, and just like any other braid you?re going to...



Hi, my name is Lauren and in behalf of Expert Village I'm here to show you how to achieve various styles thru using regular braids. The fishbone braid is a little bit more intricate and a...