Good evening everyone, my name is Mike Marquis (I have some notes here) otherwise known as the last thing in between everyone and the dance floor and the open bar They've already given me the...
The baby wants a lullaby The baby wants a lullaby mother's little boy, he will grow up tall. Ay, go to sleep my love, for your father will come soon, with such happiness. Ay, open the door for...
- EPISODE 6- BREAKING FREE - I've never seen such a heavy artillery fire before. Our advence lines are totally demilished, our troops are running away. Now they're aiming at our main...
- EPISODE 1- THOSE CRAZY TURKS - The recruitment officers are back This time I II hide the boy My first son died in the Balkan War. The second in Çanakkale I won' t let the last one go. April...
- EPISODE 3- RESURRECTION - You have asked for me? - We'll stars moving tonight. - My division can't move tonight. Our last regiment was going to leave Konya tonight. - What happened?...
- EPISODE 5- BEGINNING OF THE END - USE PHOTOGRAPHS TOO. - Don't worry, as soon as I get to Istanbul I'll have the book published. The whole world should know his cruelty. - They have...
EPISODE 4 SLAUGHTER - Our 7th division passed over to the east of Sakarya by building two portable bridges near Beylik Bridge. - Wonderful. - Incredible! They built bridge and passed over Sakarya with...
Divorce granted to fifteen year old The age of marriage is something that differs in each country. In some countries, such as the United States there is an age limit, which needs to be met before a...
these sparked a top ten reasons for marriage amendment to stop or prevent probe of sexual that is human and they ally marriage number one it will destroy the institution of marriage and lead to mast...