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What's the name of the Band? Rapunzel in english Rapunzel Rapunsel in Tagalog Rapunsel! How did the Band started out? It began as a hobby Maybe it was because we liked music a lot How long has...
Hi everybody! Hello! Today, we're going to make candy with the Tsukuru Gaburi Chew kit. I got #6! I got #4! #4? It's tiny! This is what was inside the box. Alright, let's make...
Hey everybody! I'm Ron . I'm the Technical Development director here at Crosspoint. and I'm also one of the Worship Leaders that you see up on stage I wanted to share with you...
>>CARTWRIGHT: [music] Hi Rita Cartwright here, with another month edition of our newsletter. Social Media Marketing We begin this newsletter with some interesting facts on social media...
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We need to talk one more time, You're such a hot-tempered person During the hard times, we've made it through. It's okay, I will understand Separation is not an easy thing As...