Hello, this is Scott... And this is the Hyper Report for October 25th 2012. Here are the prices for for various items; such as gold, silver and oil for today. First... Syria Rebels Have US-Made...



The answer is "yes". Once the consumer debtor is discharged from bankruptcy, the consumer debtor is released from all provable debts in bankruptcy. That is, all the claims of...



Hello, this is Scott... And this is the Hyper Report for October 27th 2012. Here are the prices for for various items; such as gold, silver and oil for today. First... Euro-zone Mess Gets Worse The...
[Opening eerie electronic music] >>> Oil Change Wrench Guy: I am the oil change wrench guy >>>Oil Change Wrench Guy: When the bossman has debts, he sends me...
Hello everyone, how are you doing? I'm here in Chicago! and this is my hotel where I'm staying it's Holiday Inn, HALEEDAY INN OR HOLIDAY INN whatever.. the hotel.. but there...
>> Basically, welcome everyone to our first Elluminate session. Hopefully, you've all checked in at Moodle and you've seen kind of what this course is about....
Professor Chomsky, perhaps we should stop by trying to define what is not meant by anarchism but whether anarchy after all is derived from the greek, literally meaning no government, and presumably...
uh... we've gotten out reports show up then we've got uh... um... police using all sorts of it's not quite lethal weaponry at seventeen people at least um... arrested in new...
There are many ways that Chapter 11 can help a business survive in the slow economy that we're experiencing at this time. One example is through restructuring of debt. I've seen many...
Hello, this is Scott... And this is the Hyper Report for October 23rd 2012. Here are the prices for for various items; such as gold, silver and oil for today. First... The Exodus of China’s Upper...